Save receipts or invoices for products or services so you can find these documents again if there's a problem.

Check it does what it should

If you buy a product, check for damage and missing parts as soon as possible – on the spot, or as soon as you get it home. Make sure there's no damage, check it works and it does what you have bought it for.

If you buy for a service, keep tabs on how the service is provided. Make sure it's being carried out the way you have agreed, and if not, speak to the service provider as soon as possible.

Know you rights to a refund, replacement or repair

Poor quality or incomplete work

How well do you know your rights? Take this fun quiz.

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Keep important details

Save receipts and other documents about your purchase, particularly for expensive products and services. If something goes wrong, having these on hand will make it easier to ask the seller or service provider for a repair, replacement or refund.

Keep important paperwork like:

  • proof of purchase, for example, receipts, sales contracts, email confirmations or a statement of your bank or credit card transactions
  • signed contracts and terms and conditions
  • warranties
  • any original advertisements
  • instruction manuals.

Write down and store important purchase information like:

  • when you bought it or signed a contract
  • retailer, manufacturer or service provider details
  • how much you paid, or agreed to pay
  • how you paid, for example, cash, internet banking or credit card
  • any scheduled payments.

Keep receipts

Take a photo of your purchase receipts and file them away in your phone in case you need proof of purchase later.

A template to keep track of your most important purchases

How to complain

Update your insurance

If you buy something expensive, for example, a computer or a fancy watch, you may need to check and update your insurance.

Some contents insurance policies require you to name items worth over a certain amount if you want them to be covered, for example, cameras worth more than $2,000. Check your policy.