We help New Zealanders who feel that they are not getting a fair deal when they purchase or use goods and services. If you’d like to avoid issues when you’re dealing with a business or service, we can help you figure out what your rights are, and what to do next.

Our website is packed with information providing consumer law guidance, tools, and connections to know how to solve your problem. 

What we do

We’re closely connected to organisations and government agencies to provide trust-worthy and credible guidance. While we are not able to act on your behalf, we can direct you to who can.

We work together to research problems you might have and what’s the best way to solve them and we can inform you on how the law applies to your situation.

Our connections and research allow us to understand consumer issues, so we can provide high quality guidance.

This guidance and our tools are useful for consumers to resolve their problems. We cover consumer law, the resolution process, and provide tips on how to get a fair deal.

Why we do what we do

Consumer laws are self-enforcing. Consumers have power when they understand consumer laws and the resolution process. Providing the guidance and tools for consumers to help this happen helps ensure that markets are fair. 

We bring it together for you, making sense of it all so that you can get a fair deal.

Providing information and tools to resolve issues

Consumer Rights Finder
Know your rights to a refund, replacement or repair
Consumer Guarantees Act

Gathering insights

See information about and links to consumer research and reports commissioned or undertaken in recent years:

Consumer protection research

Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment website(external link)

Other insights

In 2023, our website saw 645,661 users, 905,843 sessions, and 728,177 engaged sessions.

Our Consumer Protection Facebook page delivered 1,813,000 impressions in 2023.

Consumer channels we support

Citizens Advice Bureau(external link)

Working in consumer partnership

We are members of these forums:

  • The Consumer Protection Partnership Forum
  • Interagency Fraud Working Group
  • Motor Vehicle Forum
  • Financial Capability Forum