How to check for scams, recognise if you or someone you know is being scammed, what to do about different types of scams, and how to stay up to date with recent scam activity.

There are many different types of scams, and they have become more sophisticated over time.

If someone contacts you unexpectedly – whether over the phone, through the post, by email, on a website, in person or on social media – always consider the possibility that it may be a scam.

Scammers go to great lengths to appear trustworthy but there are things you can do to recognise and act against scams. If it’s possible you are being scammed, figure out what’s happening and what you can do about it.

How to check for scams

If your bank calls asking you to rush into something unexpected or unusual

If someone sends you an email

If someone calls you on the phone

If someone knocks on your door

If someone delivers an unexpected parcel

When you shop online

See our online shopping advice for more:

Tips for online shopping

Before you invest

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Ignore text messages or emails claiming you have won something. Unless you have recently entered a competition, this kind of message is a scam.

On social media

Handling online relationships

Scam stories

Stories to show how different types of scams work. Click through these types of scams for examples of how they work.

Get scam alerts online

Every day we are more and more exposed to scams at home, at work and at play. One way you can protect yourself is by staying up to date with the latest scams.

Check scam alerts on Netsafe's latest scams page: 

Latest Scams(external link)  — Netsafe

Follow our Scamwatch page on Facebook for all the latest scam news and updates.

Follow Scam Alerts on Facebook (external link)

Reporting scams protects us all

Reporting a scam is important, whether for yourself or on behalf of someone else. Reporting puts you in touch with someone who can give advice specific to your situation. It also helps other people avoid similar scams.  

Scammed? Take action